Kayla’s 6 week follow-up visit after correcting 90 degree R AIS scoliosis. 3 inches Taller!

We saw Kayla and her family for follow-up this past week, and she looked awesome!
She had a very nasty 90 degree scoliosis which we were able to get an excellent correction using a powerful double rod Pursuader Technique.
In Clinic, her posture and incision looked great. She gained 3 inches in height! Her trunk is now well balanced, and she had a very big smile.
While it is great that we are able to get dramatic corrections with these big curves, it is MUCH better to catch and treat the curves when the curves are smaller, preferably less than 50 degrees. This makes the final correction better, with less surgical time and risk.
But, sometimes curves do get missed, and it is nice to know there is still hope.
Great to see you Kayla!
Have a great summer.
Dr. Lloyd Hey
Hey Clinic for Scoliosis and Spine Surgery

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