Maggie and Me in Clinic on Friday!

I saw Maggie back for follow-up in clinic with her family on Friday.  She’s a few weeks postop from the Shilla Procedure for her complex early onset scoliosis, which also included an anterior 4 segment fusion.  She was only 45 lbs when we did her surgery, and had quite a bit of growing remaining.  The Shilla Procedure allows her spine to grow along the rods through pedicle screws at the top and bottom of her scoliosis construct, guiding the path for her growth.  It does not require the routine revision surgeries for adjustments which are needed for the growing rod technique.  Dr. Richard McCarthy was kind enough to teach me this technique with one of my patients, Janelle, who had surgery back in December.

She greeted me with a big smile and a big hug, and gave me a wonderful “Thank You” card she made herself.  On the back of the card she said “My back feels so much better!”

She then showed us how she could run down the hall.

What an awesome day.

Thanks for the great card, Maggie.  I will treasure it always.

Dr. Lloyd Hey
Hey Clinic for Scoliosis and Spine Surgery

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