Mary, from Princeton NJ comes back for her one year anniversary scoliosis surgery visit and tells her story

Last Friday we were so glad to see Mary back for follow-up.  She travelled the 468 miles back to see us from Princeton, NJ to let us know how she was doing a year out from her scoliosis surgery I performed for her in April 2008.  Mary is 67 years old, and still works full-time administering a “think tank” where Einstein used to work years ago.
In the video clip below, Mary describes how bent over to the side she was preoperatively with severe pain and weight gain, and how the surgery got her standing straight up again, got rid of the pain and has allowed her to return to an excellent quality of life.  She also takes a moment to thank all of the caring staff at Hey Clinic and at Duke Raleigh Hospital who helped her through this process — some of whom saw her at her worst in those first few days after surgery!  She wanted to be sure that all of these staff could see her successful final outcome, and to encourage them to keep helping others who also need help.
This summer Mary looks forward to gardening, and exercise, and a bright future which is now continuing to get better and better, rather than worse and worse.
Mary was kind enough to bring me a hat from “IAS” — the Institute for Advanced Study — which I proudly wore for her team photo.  I felt smarter as soon as I put it on!
Mary, thanks for making the trip back to see us, and for sharing your story. You look great.
Lloyd A. Hey, MD MS
Hey Clinic for Scoliosis and Spine Surgery
Raleigh, NC  USA
Member, Scoliosis Research Society (SRS)

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