“MC” 12 yo young lady about 48 hours after adolescent scoliosis (AIS) surgery walking the halls and now taller than mom!

On my evening rounds, I umped into MC outside Pat’s room. MC had severe back pain w progressive scoliosis and had surgery Monday. Her rib hump is gone, shoulders level  and her back feels better already.
MC and her family have befriended our scoliosis family who just had surgery, encouraging them!  We have 5 scoliosis guests up on the Duke Raleigh Orthopedic floor right now, w 2 more coming in tomorrow and Friday. These families hang out in large private rooms, and often get to meet and support each other.
MC will be heading home tomorrow morning after 3 nights in hospital. 

Take care MC!  Get well soon!

Dr. Lloyd Hey
Hey Clinic for Scoliosis and Spine Surgery

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