Off to Scoliosis Research Society, Chicago

I am sitting in the “Golden Crown” Family Restaurant in Lansing, Illinois, about 30 minutes south of Chicago.  I’ve got my laptop open, connected with my Verizon phone Hotspot.  Just sent back the Baked Scrod, which was really quite inedible. First time in my whole life I’ve sent something back! The Cobb salad just arrived and looks good.  Coffee is ok.  Just landed this morning from RDU, after smooth flight into Lansing Municipal.  John took really good care of me there.

I am on my way to the Scoliosis Research Society (SRS.ORG) Meeting in Chicago.  The SRS website is a great source of information, and can also be used to find a scoliosis surgeon in your area —- ANYWHERE IN THE WORLD!  I serve on the SRS Adult Deformity Committee, which meets this afternoon.  There should be a very good white paper coming out shortly on the indications for scoliosis surgery in the adult.  I am also interested in exploring the continuity between the pediatric and adult deformity population, including how we can seek to intervene earlier to help save motion segments in the lower lumbar spine, with less invasive approaches.

I will try to share some highlights from SRS over next few days on the blog!

Had a long talk this weekend with mom of an adolescent idiopathic scoliosis patient, who had surgery performed elsewhere, and has large residual deformity with pain.  Discussed various treatment options.  Revision surgery is sometimes indicated for pain and imbalance, and to help improve loads on lower lumbar spine for disc preservation.  If you are going to consider revision, it is helpful to do it sooner rather than later, since not only does the postero-lateral fusion get more solid with time, but the anterior discs become stiffer and stiffer, eventually turning virtually to bone.  To correct deformity at that point could require a more invasive osteotomy, like a vertebral body resection or VCR.

We have done quite a few revision deformity surgeries, for both kyphosis and scoliosis.  In many cases, however, after we evaluate the patient we might suggest not proceeding with revision surgery and just following it conservatively.

Now that Labor Day is passed, I want to say Thank You to all of our Summer Interns who served at Hey Clinic this summer!  You guys were just awesome.  Francesca just finished up with us, and sent me an email to share what she learned this summer.

Well, I am going to get back to finish my Cobb salad and head North to Chicago!  Looking forward to see Dr. Sig Berven and others at the meeting.

Dr. Lloyd Hey

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