One of our kyphosis teenager surgery patients doing great and working as an elementary teacher.

Got this nice note today from Erin, who is several years out from her kyphosis surgery we did before she went off to college at Appalachian State to become a teacher.
We always love to hear back from our guests as they continue to grow up and move into new chapters of their lives, and send us updates on how their new posture and spine health is a part of their long-term quality of life.

One of the services we offer for our guests is to check X-Rays locally after surgery, and review them at Hey Clinic.  This really helps people like Erin who live 5 hours away…. Or some who are even further away, even international.  Reviewing films and touching base via email or Skype or mobile is a great way to stay in touch and minimize disruptions for work and family.   We always LOVE to see families back at Hey Clinic, but we do work hard to keep the trips to a minimum.  Sometimes people plan return trips to do fun things in North Carolina, like visit Raleigh, local college shopping, or go to our beautiful mountains or crystal coastline / beaches.

Dr. Lloyd Hey
Hey Clinic for Scoliosis and Spine Surgery

Date: Mon, 1 Aug 2011 15:22:56 -0700 (PDT)
To: Lloyd Hey <>
Subject: X-Rays

Dr. Hey! So sorry I did not return your e-mail sooner, it got sent to my spam folder somehow.  Thank you for checking those x-rays.  I just wanted to make sure everything was still looking good.  I am doing great! I teach 4th grade at Hayesville Elem. and I am getting married next June. Yikes! I almost sound like a grown-up! My back feels great and I still have no problem with exercise.  Thank you so much for all you have done for me.  You are awesome! I hope all is well with you! I wish you all the best!

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