Re: Wonderful clinic visit today 3/18/11

On Mar 18, 2011, at 6:31 PM, "Craig&Susan" <> wrote:

> Dr. Hey,


> What a pleasure it was to speak with you and your wonderful staff today. Halle, her Mom and I just read your blog. Halle was positively giddy and talked about how nice you were. You may have convinced a little girl who is already one of the most compassionate people I know that maybe she should be a people doctor instead of an animal doctor. I told her I would be proud of her in whatever endeavor she chooses. Thank you for kindness and compassion for my Mom and my family. My mother and I discussed how your practice is unlike so MANY we have EVER experienced. You show a true dedication to you field of practice but more importantly to your patients. So many times, we as patients feel like cattle being herded through turnstiles and not what we really are, people who are hurting and looking for answers. You are a true credit to your profession. The way you run your appointments shows a true respect for peoples time. You have everything set up on a thorough schedule but at the same time ensure that your patients have enough time for you to diagnose and treat your patients. You make them feel like they are heard and understood. I do not know if you realize how much this is missing in todays medical community. You have a true gift and I feel blessed that my Mom had the good fortune to be able to find you and see you. She has fought and suffered for such a long time in dealing with the polio and now post polio.



> Warmest regards,


> Craig, Susan and Halle




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