Skype Message from Pat from southern Florida expressing thanks for recent major scoliosis surgery

I received this Skype message this morning from Pat, who gave me permission to share it with all of you on blog:

“[8/4/09 9:56:49 AM] pat _____ Hi Dr. Hey……..I am doing well down here in FLorida……….I have been trying to come up with the words to express my gratitude and can’t find the words! I don’t think they exist… entire family are so full of joy you can’t believe it! I have still some pain in strange places…..but I imagine that’s my body adjusting to the new hardware and shape…..I will stay in touch and let you and your wonderful staff and let you know how things are going….I haven’t been out yet………just not up to it yet……but I am walking walking walking areound my house! Again….thanks to the world’s best doctor……..Pat”

Dr. Lloyd Hey
Hey Clinic for Scoliosis and Spine Surgery
Raleigh, NC  USA

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