Special Thank You Note from 13 yo Sarabeth Adolescent Scoliosis Patient, and Her Family

Every day, I read countless medical records, X-Rays, MRI's, notes,
emails, faxes, and also listen to many voice mails.
It can seem at times like a river of constant activity.
However, almost every day, there is some special, small note that I
receive that makes me stop for a moment, smile, and feel very blessed.
This week, I received a wonderful little thank you note from Sarabeth
and her parents.
Sarabeth is 13, and is delightful, and has a wonderful family.
While Sarabeth was in the hospital, I came by late one evening to
check on her.
Her mom commented that my job must be hard on my family.
I told her that at times it can be, but my wife and kids understand
that if I work late, it is because there was someone who was really in
Sarabeth's mom asked me a funny question at that point: "What is your
wife's favorite restaurant or food?"
I answered "Cheesecake Factory and Cheese Cake!"

Well, this week I received a wonderful thank you note from Sarabeth
and her parents, with a gift card for Cheesecake Factory.
I took a photograph of the thank you note, so I would not forget it.
If you can't read the photograph, here is what it says:
"Dr. Hey,
"Thank you so much for doing my surgery. I feel really blessed to
have you as my doctor. Thank you for making my back straight and
pretty. Sarabeth

"Dr. Hey,
"There just are not words to express how much we appreciate all you've
done for Sarabeth. You and your staff are truly unique. You made
every step of the effort easy due to your caring and kind spirit. We
thank the Lord for equipping you with this Gift. Please thank your
family for their sacrifice of time without you to help ones like us.
Please accept this token card of appreciation."
"Cally and Cindy P______."

Tonight, I took my wife and my mom to Cheesecake Factory, and had a
wonderful meal — a meal that was a real blessing especially to my
mom, who is going through a tough time with my dad's recent illness
and recovery.

So, thank you, Sarabeth and family for taking the time to say thanks.
You really ministered to my heart, and to my family.

Lloyd A. Hey, MD MS
Spine Surgeon
Hey Clinic for Scoliosis and Spine Surgery
Raleigh, NC USA
Member, Scoliosis Research Society (SRS) http://www.srs.org

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