SRS – Scoliosis Research Society Begins!

Well, some people are into motorcycles or cars, some are into music, and some are into fishing…. but… for those of us who are REALLY into scoliosis and kyphosis, the annual Scoliosis Research Society is the absolute must go to “Rock Concert!”

I just walked into this huge hall here at Chicago Sheraton, and I must admit, my heart jumps with excitement!  Shortly this hall will be filled with spinal deformity experts from around the world.  Even though I’ve been in this scoliosis world for over 20+ years, there is still more to learn, and more to share.

Yesterday’s SRS Adult Deformity Committee Meeting was really good, catching up with Dr. Steve Glassman and others.  Sig Berven did a great job as Chair, with new scoliosis outcomes database being discussed and planned to enable all SRS members to collect prospective outcome data integrated in their practice.  I am hoping to use my epidemiology, information systems, and quality control engineering background combined with 20+ years of innovation to help in this effort.  An Adult Spinal Deformity Treatment option paper is also being developed, with the hope of using it to help guide patients and families and policy makers on the process of helping spinal deformity patients make decisions around their treatment options, including surgery.

Had a nice dinner last night overlooking the water at the Navy Yard, while catching up with my son on the mobile.  While Chicago is known as the “windy city”, the winds were quite gentle, with sailboats just scooting gently along — bright sky above!

The clock is ticking down, and the conference is about to begin!

Lloyd A. Hey, MD MS

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