Taking a break in Padova

We finished off a very busy week at Hey Clinic on Friday, and now I am off to Italy w family for a little vacation to recharge the batteries.

This is the view this morning from our room in Padova, Italy, which is outside Venice. This is a college town, where Galileo taught. We are here w friends, some of whom grew up here, and gave us great walking tour last night, w a wonderful dinner near center of town. Saw a wonderful Cathedral from St Anthony last night where they were holding Mass — church nearly full.

Clinic on Friday was great. Saw John Paul back for follow-up — the 11 yo from Phillipines we fixed earlier that week with the severe chest hypokyphosis. His X-Rays in our clinic showed that is scoliosis was completely corrected, and that we were successful pulling his chest wall out from being sunken in (lordosis) to proper kyphosis. This will give his heart and lungs enough room.   Both John Paul and his dad were quite happy with his new posture, and to be going home. Take care, John Paul!

I also saw a couple of my athletic teenage scoliosis patients back doing great playing softball and doing flips water skiing and snow skiing and trampolenes!!

Dr. Lloyd Hey
Hey Clinic for Scoliosis and Spine Surgery

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