Where has Dr. Hey been? Very busy! Happy “Scoli Anniversary” Bonnie!

It has been a few weeks since I have had a chance to catch up with the Spine Blog, although there has a lot of things going on, which I will try to catch up on in the next couple of weeks.
I also got a chance to take off for a few days and watch my son play lacrosse in Charlotte, and then go and see some colleges, and have some “guy time” on the road — a great break last week.
The 3 weeks before I went away for a few days were quite busy, which usually means that instead of writing the Blog, I am coming home to help out at home, and then going to bed!

In any case, I wanted to wish a very happy 1 year Anniversary to Bonnie, who had her scoliosis fixed a year ago, and now looks and feels great.  It was great to see you with your daughter, Bonnie!

Take Care,

Dr. Hey
Hey Clinic for Scoliosis and Spine Surgery
Raleigh, NC  USA

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