11 yo from Jacksonville, FL w 65/54 deg double curve scoliosis fixed this morning

T4-L3 instrumentation and fusion. Surgical time: 3 hour 58 minutes.
Complications: none.
Blood transfused: none.
Postop planned location: orthopedic private room w family (no ICU).
Correction: excellent.

Our 12 yo scoliosis guest from Monday is doing well this morning, but I got in trouble w our Blogger and Facebook fans for not doing my own story to go w the photo from surgery. I had mom do quick note to guest’s grandmother on my blackberry!  More Blog to follow.

Dr. Lloyd Hey
Hey Clinic for Scoliosis and Spine Surgery

  1. Reply

    We saw Jasmine last Saturday and she looks great. She is even taller then me know. She straight and looks like a model.Continue to have a good recovery. Love you Jasmine

  2. Reply

    We are 4 weeks post-op and Jasmine is doing remarkably well. She is such a trooper, and is looking forward to starting middle school this Monday. As a mother knowing your child has to have surgery is quite overwhelming. Dr. Hey and his staff defiantly went above the call of duty to ease everyone's emotions, this also includes everyone in the hospital. From the admitting staff, nurses, physical therapist and lunch ladies. After much research, we decided to travel from Jacksonville, Florida to Raleigh, NC to have the best of the best perform her spinal surgery.

    Jasmine had two pretty severe curves for an 11 year old. We wore the brace faithfully for a few years with no success. Jasmine hit a growth spurt and the brace did nothing to help her spine. She is tall for her age, and grew about 2-3 inches after surgery. She stands about 5'8. Parents who may be contemplating surgery need to see Dr. Hey. He is the only physician who immediately called me regarding questions I had about Jasmine. Dr. Hey and staff Thank You again for helping our little precious girl. The smile she has on her face when she sees how straight her back is makes everything worth it.

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