23 yo Iris with Scoliosis follow-up question

Dr. Hey,Thank you so much for your feedback – that was a very pleasant surprise!!I wanted to add some more details about my situation: I was diagnosed at age 13 with a curve of 32 degrees (menarche had already occurred by this time). When I was first diagnosed, I started wearing the Charleston bending brace at night time. Four months later, my curve progressed to 38 degrees. This is when I started going to Shriners Hospital and started wearing the Boston TLSO for about 23 hours a day. Overall, I was very good at wearing the brace, and the brace successfully kept the curve from progressing.My last appointment was when I was 18 with the same degree of curvature. I am 23 now and have not been to an orthopedic doctor since that last appointment. Everything seems to be stable both physically and visually, but the only way to really tell would be to see a doctor. Thankfully, scoliosis does not affect my daily life, but the uneven shoulder blades bother me when I am sitting in a hard chair. I am currently finishing up my first semester of nursing school and am enjoying it. =) I hope that when I start my new career, my scoliosis won’t be too much of a problem. I am slightly concerned, as I have heard from many nurses that they have bad backs, and I wonder if the duties of nursing would affect my scoliosis at all.Thank you again for your very informative post!- Iris

You should not have a problem with your career as a nurse.
It is important, however, that you get careful annual follow-up at a scoliosis center, or with orthopaedic surgeon comfortable following you as an adult scoliosis patient.
Take care, and best wishes in your healthcare career.
If you would like to come and see some scoliosis surgery here in Raleigh, NC that can possibly be arranged.

Dr. Llooyd Hey
Hey Clinic for Scoliosis and Spine Surgery
Raleigh, NC  USA

  1. Reply

    Hello. I’m so grateful I stumbled upon your blog. I had a harrington rod/spinal fusion (bone grafted from both hips) to correct a 42 degree S shaped curve when I was 13 in 1983. I’m now 37. I’m worried since I haven’t seen an orthopedist since I was a teen since I now have lower back pain. I worry that I was too ambitious in physical activity, running, swimming, dance, pilates and may suffer ill affects. Also terrified about family planning/pregnancy since recently married, if that is an option/if pregnancy weight will strain spine etc.. I had physical therapy re: strengthening back muscles two years ago. My primary care doc took xray and said that the x-ray tech said fusion looked ok. I do pilates, spin class and light jogging now. I don’t want to lose my quality of life. Sorry this is so long.

  2. Reply

    Dr. Hey,
    Thank you! It has actually been a wish of mine (ever since I was diagnosed) to actually view a scoliosis surgery. I don’t know how that will fit in with my busy school schedule, but if I am ever in the NC area, I will consider your offer.

    Again, I really appreciate you taking the time to address my concerns!

    – Iris

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