Brittney’s Scoliosis Surgery June 9 2008 w/ Dr. Lloyd Hey

Brittney is 14 and is from eastern North Carolina, and has had a severe progressive thoracolumbar scoliosis.
I performed corrective thoracolumbar instrumentation and fusion surgery for her on June 9, and she is now home, doing well.
Her X-Rays pre and postop are shown above, and show an excellent correction of both curves.
Her postoperative trunk shape from both the front, and side and back views shows a very noticable improvement that Brittney and her parents and family noticed right away.
Her surgery took about 3 hours, and was performed without any blood transfusions.
No ICU stay was needed.
She spent 3 nights in the hospital, with her family.

Her mom told me a funny story after surgery that I will share quickly.
After surgery, we always share the before and after X-Rays with the family.
The patient’s dad brought the X-Rays home, and took them to work to show his boss, Joe.
His boss at the military base saw “Hey Clinic” on the X-Ray, and asked if that was “Lloyd Hey”.
Brittney’s dad told him “Yes it is… How would you know that?”
Joe told Brittney’s dad that he had grown up next door to me (Dr. Hey) when I was just a few years old, and used to play in sandbox with me!
It is a very small world.

Get well soon, Brittney!

Lloyd A Hey, MD MS
Hey Clinic for Scoliosis and Spine Surgery
Raleigh, NC USA

Note:  Hey Clinic repects the privacy of all of our guests.  We also know that it is good to share and to allow others to learn through this Blog, website and talks.  Brittney and her parents have given their permission to share this blog information and pictures for their friends and family and other Hey Clinic Blog visitors to see, prior to Brittney’s discharge from the hospital.  They are also empowered to make additions or any changes or deletions they wish.

One Comment
  1. Reply

    Wow, it sure is a small world!

    It’s been great to read about how the younger patients are having great correction for their scoliosis! I was impressed by how they were discharged so soon, too. Things have changed so much from a long time ago, when these surgeries used to require so much hospital stay and recovery afterwards.

    Keep up the great work!

    – Iris

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