FW: My Two Year Scoliosis Anniversary Today!

“M” had adolescent idiopathic scoliosis that was never treated until she was 47, when I fixed it for her a couple years ago at Duke Raleigh Hospital.  

It is always great to hear these stories of people getting back to life and enjoying a better posture and a better quality of life.  Thanks for sharing, M!  You go girl!!!

“M” gave her permission to share these photos and email with all of you, and requested us call her “M” here on the Blog.

Dr.  Lloyd Hey
Hey Clinic for Scoliosis and Spine Surgery.

—— Forwarded Message
From: M_____________________
Date: Fri, 29 Jul 2011 16:37:32 -0400
To: Lloyd Hey <>
Subject: RE:  My Two Year Scoliosis Anniversary Today!

Hello Dr. Hey!
Today marks my two year anniversary for scoliosis surgery! In addition, I am attaching a few photos from the second annual Freedom Run, in Wake Forest, on July 2, where I won my division! I placed in the top 25% overall, out of 286 runners!   My time was 25:54…not bad for a 49 year old with scoli!  Amazing!? …Yes!  You are amazing too! Thanks to YOU, I am able to run a 5K again!
I frequent your blog and happy to see that you are enjoying your summer in between surgeries.
I will be making an appointment to get checked soon, to be sure everything is in order.
Take care and God bless,

—— End of Forwarded Message

One Comment
  1. Reply

    Wow that's very encoarging cause I have Scipio and I am 13 and ive been very upset knowing I need surgery I am not as worried know knowing I will be Abel to play basketball and still do soports 🙂

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