This morning’s scoliosis surgery in 27 yo woman

Documented curve progression to 56 degrees, right thoracic,with back pain.
Procedure: T5-L1 instrumentation and fusion w pedicle screws and rods. 2 thoracic Smith-Peterson osteotomies.
Surgical time: 2 hour 51 min.
Estimated Blood loss (EBL): 600 cc
Cell Saver reinfused: 120 cc
Complications: none.
Room aura: excellent.
Team: nurse Kelly, circulating, nurse charley and scrub sheila scrubbed w PA Brittany, along w excellent crna’s and anesthesia.
Curve correction: excellent — over 80 per cent correction. (see photo)

A good Monday morning!

Dr. Lloyd Hey
Hey Clinic for Scoliosis and Spine Surgery

One Comment
  1. Reply

    Dear Dr. Hey,
    Thank you for the gift of Simone’s new stature. I didn’t believe I would ever see Simone shoulder to shoulder and as I look at her after three days of surgery she has the shoulders of a dancer. We are so happy with her results and we are blessed by God that He put her previously lean body into your upright care.
    We can never thank you and your team enough.
    There are no words to express our joy, gratitude, and adulation.
    Forever standing tall,
    The Wilson and Salandy Family

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