Word for the day: “Beautiful”

This morning on rounds our 27 yo scoliosis surgery guest who had surgery Monday was walking out of rest room on her own. Her hair was a bit messy, but she told me she was thrilled, because her posture is now "beautiful".  She is going home today, and actually get her hair and total body washed up in the shower.

I just finished doing correrctive scoliosis surgery on a 19 yo college student who had a 53 degree painful thoracolumbar scoliosis. In preop, I asked her how straight she wanted to be. She answered " as straight and tall as possible!".

I used the new double rod correction technique that I have been perfecting this year, along w 3 osteotomies.

Result: "Beautiful!!"
Surgical time: 3 h 20 min.
EBL: 1000 cc.
Blood transfused: none
A great morning.
Life is good.

Dr. Lloyd Hey.
Hey Clinic for Scoliosis and Spine Surgery

  1. Reply

    Dear Dr. Hey,

    It has been 5 years today since I had my surgery. I am feeling more grateful than ever for you and your amazing team. You truly changed my life.

    God Bless,
    Mary Hannah

  2. Reply
    Mary Hannah Ellis

    Dear Dr. Hey,

    It has been 5 years today since I had my surgery. I am feeling more grateful than ever for you and your amazing team. You truly changed my life.

    God Bless,
    Mary Hannah

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